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Porysunki. Works by Magda Danaj

Saturday, 9 March, 2024 - 18:00 to Sunday, 7 April, 2024 - 20:00
free entry

The day after Women's Day, we decided to invite women and men to celebrate the differences and similarities of the sexes! Because what would they be without the other?

Our special guest on this day will be Magda Danaj, a cartoonist and illustrator. Magda has been creating her Porysunki for fifteen years. Where does this name come from? What are they? What are they talking about? Who are her heroines and why are there so few heroes? Do the characters in her drawings change and grow up? Is drawing a piece of cake or a hard slog? You will be able to ask her about this and many other matters during the meeting.

Before the discussion we start at 4 p.m. with workshops titled: "How to become a cartoonist in a few steps." Anyone with a talent for drawing can take part in the workshops. Those who have no talent will get a drink from us to develop their talent:). So let's admit that everyone has talent :)) In addition, each workshop participant will receive a "Porysunnik" created by Magda Danaj. Porysunnik is an open-air book, a diary, a notebook, a guide... it is an everyday companion - a confidant of world conquest plans and crooked scribbles. The number of places is very limited, so you must register.

At 6 p.m., already familiar with Magda and her drawing technique, we will start the second part - the exhibition and conversation with the Author. And we invite everyone to this part without registration - free admission. The motto of this part of the evening is "A woman who draws is not afraid of any topics." We will check if this is the case.

The exhibition, which will last until April 7, will feature a review of Magda Danaj's works, also with English subtitles, so the exhibition is also for those who do not know Polish. All exhibited works will be for sale. You can take advantage of the opportunity and get a special autograph on them. We invite women who are single, in a relationship, introverted, energetic, positive and eternally dissatisfied. Men who understand and love these women. There will also be a place for our worries and phobias, but we will push them with our positive energy towards Our, so that they will flow away with the spring floods.

16h00 workshops - mandatory registration, entry fee 25 eur (price includes: Porysunnik + drink + stationery)

18h00 meeting and exhibition - free admission


Poster design © Magda Danaj, Porysunki

Partners:, Ministère de la Culture, Ministère de l'Économie, WOXX