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Poster for Independence

Thursday, 15 March, 2018 - 13:00 to Sunday, 9 September, 2018 - 20:00
Posters art competition
free entry

Ancien Cinema asbl organizes an international competition ‘Poster for Independence’ for independent design and creation of a poster illustrating the 100th anniversary of Poland's independence. Competition is open to artists who are 18 years old and older, including professional artists, students and graduates of art schools and other schools and art courses.

The main purpose of the Competition is to raise awareness about the Polish independence themes and to promote the idea of independence, Polish representations and the notion of freedom in a modern artistic form.

The winners will be selected by the Competition Commission by applying the following criteria: a) compliance of the message contained in the artwork with the topic of the Competition; b) originality of form and content; c) artistic qualities (including composition, color range, technique of performance).

From among the submitted works, the Commission will award the following prizes: a) First Prize of EUR 500 (five hundred euro); b) Second Prize in the amount of EUR 300 (three hundred euro); b) Third prize in the amount of EUR 150 (one hundred and fifty euro).


Competition schedule:

1. Official opening: 15.03.2018

2. Artworks delivery date: 30.06.2018. Artworks in a digital form must be delivered to the Organizer's email address

3. Results announcement: 15.07.2018.

4. Vernissage of awarded and distinctive works: 04.08.2018

5. Exhibition of awarded and distinctive works: 04.08.2018 – 09.09.2018


Competition ‘Poster for Independence’ is organized in frame of 5th Festival of Polish Culture in Luxembourg.


Detailed Rules for competition is available for download as a .pdf file from the Organizer's website (link below):

Polish Embassy in Luxembourg,,, ViArt asbl, WOXX