Commemoration-day for the " Nei-Veiner-Ukrainer".
Provisional program of that day:
11.00 Ecumenical celebration in the church with the pope from Bonnevoie.
12.15 Commun lunch Ukrainians + local helpers in the youth-hostel
Easter Picnic for Ukrainians tomorrow in Ancien Cinema!
We invite you to the Easter picnic: drinks, Easter homemade cakes, movies and toys for children. April 24 Sunday from 15h00
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity will for the first time take place in Luxembourg! The biggest Polish charity raises for 27 years money to support Polish public health care by furnishing hospitals with highly specialized medical equipment. The 28.
We support a charity action organized by Madame Guida Biewer, who will run a marathon in Rotterdam to help Athanase Rugerinyange - a handicapted rwandese marathon runner using crutches.
Last year for the first time we were proud participant of the Pajacyk children feeding action organized by PAH (Polska Akcja Humanitarna). Thank you for all your visits! This year we do it again. Action is simple: we pass 10% of our turnover from 3 December 2016 to the children feeding program.