Be ready for unexpected silent disco night with DJ Bumi Phillips [Warsaw].
Evening of Salon and light music, a guest performance with Students of Saarburg International Music Festival and School.
Quentin Fournet-Fayas [DE] doublebass, Elliot Busca [FR] guitar, Yehorii Uzhva [UA] saxophone, Lezaam Beets [ZA] trombone, Luca Garofalo [LU] drums
En 1959, le Dalaï-Lama, suivi de nombreux compatriotes, quitte le Tibet pour maintenir en vie la culture de son peuple menacée par le régime chinois. C'est en Inde qu'il trouve refuge et que s'organise une résistance non-violente.
Sängerbond Helvetia Gemeng Tandel Asbl an D'Chorale Trinitire Veinen presenteieren e Pop-Evergreens Concert-Promenade
16.00 Hotel Petry
17.00 Hotel Victor Hugo
18.00 Ancien Cinema
David Jans Quartet
Jungmi Yun: piano [KOR], Giorgio Stienstra: e-bass [NL], Ilja Tarnopolskij: drums [DE], David Jans: alto saxophone [LU]
FORMAS is a new band from Luxemburg, melting the energy of latin music with a fresh approach to modern jazz.
<<Jazz Station Combo>> Wéi den Numm et scho seet, ass et eng Jazzcombo déi virun ongeféier 10 Joër am Conservatoire du Nord, op der Dikrëcher Gare an d’Liewen geruff ginn ass.
Ancien Cinema goes for holiday, we are closed from Monday 04.07 until Thursday 07.07 incl.
We will be back with new menu, a lot of energy for Summer vibes and inspiring agenda for rest of the week.
Following the release of her first EP 'Heartleaves', Rozeen is back with an acoustic concert (vocals/piano/guitar) at Ancien Cinéma.